8 Viedokļi

  • 2012.gada 30.janvārī Indijā Asamā – Deli Indijas NVO “Iespējas cilvēkiem”(EMPOWER PEOPLE) organizē pirmo ” Gājienu pret līgavu tirdzniecību”, lai pievērstu sabiedrības uzmanību par cilvēku tirdzniecību piespiedu laulību formā. Gājiens sāksies Asamā un tā dalībnieki dosies uz Deli (New Delhi).

    The Indian NGO EMPOWER PEOPLE is organizing its first “Walk against Bride Trafficking” to raise awareness about human trafficking for the purpose of forced marriage. The walk will start next January 30 in Assam and it will end in New Delhi*.

    Lasi vairāk informāciju:

  • Starptautiska organizācija “The United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT)” jeb Apvienoto Nāciju Vispasaules Iniciatīva Cīņai pret Cilvēktirdzniecību, kas tika izveidota, lai veicinātu cīņu pret cilvēku tirdzniecību, jo īpaši saskaņā ar Palermo konvencijas otro protokolu. Organizācija darbu uzsāka 2007.gadā. Organizācijā var atrast informāciju par āktivitātēm cīņai pret cilvēku tirdzniecību pasaues mērogā*.

    The United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) was conceived to promote the global fight on human trafficking, on the basis of international agreements reached at the UN. To date, 140 parties have signed the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons especially Women and Children, which supplements the Palermo Convention against transnational organized crime.

    *Informācija no interneta resursiem: http://www.ungift.org/knowledgehub/en/about/index.html

  • Hope to receive informations from the other countries about their experience with the fight against the trafficking of human beings.

  • Human trafficking is a major problem i the world. Each year increasingly more people are involved in the trafficking as a victims. The majority of known victims of trafficking are women and young people(EuroDEMOS Association).
    Trafficking in human beings is an extremely serious crime and a gross violation of human rights, which can be classified as a modern form of slavery.There is information about the problem and about a fight against the human trafficking in the web-site: http://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/index.action. “It is my hope that the website will also help to promote exchange of ideas and cooperation between all organisations and people involved in the fight against trafficking in human beings and the protection of victims.” Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner
    There is also information about avaliable project calls in the EC web-site: http://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/entity.action;jsessionid=11DgPlgXMn34LbMlnhmL1syF2PhJ3vX5jmc89PynGC8lpYvQ5qGT!511069867?id=8a830fcf-1222-48ca-8df8-2a916bd5f236

  • Without any doubt Human Trafficking is one of the worst and evil issue in our life. Armenia, being a developing country, faces to this problem every day.

    Nowedays, Armenia takes many actions towards combatting it by adopting laws, making changes in current Laws, trying to rise awareness and train many experts.

    Despite the actions towards a more educated sociaty, however, there is lack of information, that is why even nowadays, among many people, it is understood only as Labour or Sexual exploitaion. However, in Armenia we have Child trafficking and some kind of issues in Military service as well.
    Every of us should be very attentive. From my personal experience, I was victim of Human Trafficking, as I have worked and at the end I was not paid for several months.

    So, I recommend everyone to be informed and very attentive.

  • Human trafficking is a world-wide phenomenon, a type of criminal activity with which the general public is largely unfamiliar with. As I see it human trafficking is equal to the institution of slavery. As slavery officially does not exist any more it is very easy to overlook the fact that people, especially so many people around the world, can be used for the benefits of their “lords” and against their own consent and be unable to protect themselves.
    As the victims are overwhelmingly uneducated and/or poor people I see the best answer to the problem to be in education. If people would be more aware of this kind of crime, the various decesive ways in which one can be tricked into being a victim, there would be a drop in the number of human trafficking cases.

  • Hello,

    your web page on human trafficking attracted my attention. I don’t know much about human trafficking in Armenia, but it has been a long-term problem in the Czech Republic as well. The main reasons which make this crime so wide-spread is that it is very highly profitable form of organized crime. The Czech Republic marked a rise in the 1990s when the borders reopened after the Revolution. The Czech Republic was originally mainly a source country for human trafficking, but later became a destination and transit country, too. The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Interior concentrate on fighting this crime. One of the main measures taken to improve the situation was adopting the new Criminal Code, which has been in operation since 1 January 2010, and focuses on the punishment of organized crime and also on human trafficking in particular. Comparing to the previous legal regulation it penalizes forced labour in armed forces, forced removal of organs, tissues or cells, etc.. The Criminal Code aims in particular at protecting children as victims of this crime. The Ministry of Interior analyzes the situation very year, writes reports and prepares strategies for effective fight against this crime.

    Hopefully, this page will make people think about what human trafficking is and makes them more aware of the dangers they may face.

  • Human trafficking how sad it is in fact is such a big criminal enterprise that brings its billions of dolors to those who carry out it. It targets vulnerable people for labor and sexual exploitation, destroying lives and tearing families apart. That is why I encourage such actions that can prevent or stop this phenomenon.
    I cannot tell much about how Armenian authorities combat against this issue however i know that there legislative laws against it, actions taken to prevent it.
    As much as i could receive from media the first legislation to specifically outlaw trafficking and to provide criminal penalties went into effect in the summer of 2003. Since then the government prosecutor’s office has launched several high profile cases against traffickers. In one, mentally retarded adolescents were allegedly being dispatched to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates for sexual exploitation, or possibly to supply body parts for organ transplants. The police are not sure and are still investigating. The prosecutors have been in close liaison with police in Dubai, where some NGOs estimate that as many as 600 Armenian women may have been seduced, tricked or forced into prostitution. There has been talk of extraditing ten suspected Armenian traffickers from Dubai to stand trial in Armenia. But the fact is that there has been no systematic study of the full extent of the problem.

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